Friday, December 2, 2011

Is Dieting Destroying Your Social Life?
So you’ve decided to start “dieting”, but since when does dieting affect everyone around you?  You’re the one on the diet, you’re the one who has to make the sacrifices, you’re the one who has to deprive yourself from your favorite cravings, and you’re the one that’s getting the raw end of the deal, right?  So why are the friends around you suffering?  The truth is that you’ve probably had to deprive your friends along the way...

It’s weekly pizza night with your friends, but since starting your diet, your pizza-sharing days are behind you.  So maybe your friends don’t want to hang out with you since your fun level has declined due to your strict “don’t drink your calories” rule and the fact that you aren’t up for sharing favorite food indulgences together.  On one hand, I wonder why they’re the ones who are upset... you’re the one who has to eat the salads every day.  But on the other hand, I get it... who wants to eat in the dining hall with someone who just sticks to the salad bar every day?  That’s not very exciting.  I’m taken back to what Homer Simpson once said, “You don’t win friends with salad”.

So let’s discuss “dieting” for a moment.  Personally, when it comes to eating, I hate the word “diet”.  Why do we have to diet?  Why can’t we all just eat well?  If you’re anything like me, I've tried dieting in the past and in the end all it leads to is a grumpy mood and an over-obsession with food.  It turns into all you can think about and talk about.  I quickly came to realize that self-deprivation is not possible.  Happily, it's possible to land on some compromises: Eat well on most days of the week, indulge every once in a while and don’t deprive yourself, and use 1-2 days a week as “cheat days”.  And of course, you can’t forget that working out will naturally make one healthier and more fit.  AND WAIT!  It gets better... this lifestyle automatically entitles you to enjoy indulging in sweets and chocolate (dark chocolate of course) without feeling the guilt afterwards.  When you eat right, exercise, and splurge every now and again, you feel better about yourself and you can still be the life of the party.

Does dieting put a damper on your social life and popularity?  Or maybe you’re one to avoid your dieting friends?

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