Monday, February 24, 2014

Eat Like An Olympian
Nutrition is critical for athletes and regular exercisers. Carbohydrates, protein, fat, and water are necessary for peak performance.  Do you want to learn how you can eat like an Olympian?

Carbohydrates in the form of glucose provide up to 50% of the energy required during exercise.

·        If you exercise for less than 90 minutes, a normal carbohydrate diet is fine - 50-55% carbohydrates.

·        If you exercise for more than 90 minutes a high-carbohydrate diet - 70% carbohydrates 2-3 days prior to your event may be helpful.

·        Long distance runners, cyclists, swimmers, and soccer players may benefit from a high-carbohydrate diet. 

·        Focus on whole grain breads, cereal, rice, pasta, whole fruit, 100% fruit juice, and fresh/frozen vegetables.

Fats provide energy during exercise.
·        Aim to consume 15% calories from fat.

·        Unsaturated fats (mono and polyunsaturated) are heart healthier than saturated fats and Trans fats.

Protein is necessary to rebuild muscles after exercise.
·        Aim for 2-3 servings of low-fat dairy per day and 2 servings of meat, poultry, or fish per day.

·        Grains combined with legumes or dairy will provide a complete protein.

·        Protein supplements are not usually required or recommended.

Water is essential for hydration.
·        Drink water throughout the day.

·        Try to follow the 8X8 Rule – 8 cups, 8 times a day.

·        Eat a small meal 3-4 hours prior to your event so your body has time to digest.

·        Include complex carbohydrates (whole grains, breads, cereals, rice, fruit, and vegetables) and protein in your meal.

·        Avoid high-fat, high-sugar meals.

·        Hydrate well and avoid caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea, soda). Opt for water. Your urine should be light colored.

·        Eat familiar foods. A pre-game meal is not the time to experiment with new foods.

·        Eat a small meal within 30 minutes after your event to maximize recovery and help re-build muscles.

·        The meal should include a mix of carbohydrates, protein, and fat.

·        Chocolate milk, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and fruit with yogurt are good post-game meal options.

Daily Regimen
·        Eat 3 meals plus 2 snacks throughout the day. Don’t skip breakfast!

·        Protein supplements are often unnecessary and not recommended.

·        Choose colorful foods for your plate – red, blue, orange, purple, and green – to ensure that you receive a wide variety of vitamins and minerals.

·        Drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated – 8X8 Rule

For more information visit the USDA’s website:
By Cynthia Topley, Meredith College Dietetic Intern

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